EMOM for 10 minutes
1 power clean + split jerk
Spend ten minutes working up in weight for a power clean and split jerk. The split jerk will probably be the more difficult life of the two so focus mostly on this left when you are adding weight as you go.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 12 minutes
6 deadlifts
12 push-ups
Today’s AMRAP is a simple couplet. The weight you choose for the deadlift should be a manageable weight for six unbroken reps. Breaking it up into two sets towards the end of the workout would be fine but if you’re doing singles or doubles at any point you have gone too heavy. Spend some time in the warm up focusing on what a perfect strict push up should look like. There are a lot of ways to get around doing the hard work in this movement especially as you get tired but if you can hold yourself to a high standard here the hard work will pay off! You can choose to do strict push-ups from your toes, knees or with your hands on a box depending on where you’re at.
standard: 135/95 lb
rx: 185/135 lb
sport: 225/155 lb, 6 SHSPU
overachiever: 275/185 lb, 6 SHSPU(deficit)