At Home WOD
AMRAP 30 minutes
800m run
20 push presses
2 minute plank
Workout Notes
So far so good this week, there have only been a few complaints about the WODS. We wouldn’t have it any other way. Taking the stage for today’s workout is Alex Haussermann: the OG of OG’s. Apparently he was Kirsten and Matt’s first coach at CFD which was news to me! If you are ever looking for WOD strategy, efficiency, or pacing advice, he is your go-to-guy. Show up to the gym around 1:30pm Monday through Friday, and you will probably see Alex working out in blue jeans and a beanie. If you don’t believe me, check it out for yourself. Today we have a long AMRAP, pace yourself from the start. Start each round with an eight-hundred meter run or approximately four minutes of running. Follow your run with twenty push presses. Remember to drive with your legs and lock everything out at the top. There is no dip in the catch of a push press. Finish each round with a two minute plank. Depending on how you feel about your planking ability, there are a couple ways to attack this. One plan would be to accumulate two minutes in a plank regardless of the total time it takes to get it done. Another option is to cap your plank effort at two minutes including your rest. Finally, go for a shorter plank if two minutes seems too long. Let your coach know if you have any questions. Happy Crossfit, and may the odds be ever in your favor!