10 rounds:
3 strict pull ups
30 seconds of handstand or wall walk practice
Take about 15 minutes to practice your strict pull ups and handstands today, working through ten rounds of the couplet above. Take your time moving back and forth between each movement. Pull ups can be scaled to ring rows, banded pull ups, or weighted pull ups, but should be unbroken.
Workout of the Day
6 rounds:
1 minute of calories on the rowing machine
1 minute of sit ups
1 minute of kettlebell swings
Focus on sitting as tall as possible throughout the pull on the rower rather than letting your upper back and shoulders collapse forward. Be sure that your timing and positioning on the row doesn’t force you to trace a wide circle around your knees; your coach can demonstrate proper form here if you aren’t familiar with it.
standard: 20/12 kg, row, bike, or ski
rx: 32/24 kg, row
sport: 32/24 kg, toes to bar, row
metcon: 6×2:00 on, 1:00 off