[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”theme” custom_colour=””]Hometown Hoedown sign ups are on the board! Get your name up there and join in the fun! December 2nd we celebrate the CFD community.[/creativ_alertbox]
EMOM for 10 Minutes
straight set of Strict Pull-ups then 20 seconds of double unders
For our skill work today we’ll be working on two bodyweight movements. We saw this combination last Thursday the 9th in our WOD. This time around we’ll be tackling both movements interval style. Working on these movements on an interval timer and allowing some rest in each round should help to lower the intensity and allow you to work on the strength and skill required. Start each round with sub-maximal set of strict pull-ups then immediately work for about 20 seconds on double unders. Be sure to give yourself a few seconds of rest in each round prior to starting your next round of strict pull-ups.
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
15 Deadlift 135/95 lb
12 Front rack walking lunge steps 135/95 lb
9 Push jerks 135/95 lb
Workout notes: The lunge or the push jerk will most likely be the weight limiting factor in terms of strength for most of us. Use a weight you anticipate you will be able to sustain small sets even when fatigued. Going unbroken during any of the movements isn’t a requirement but you definitely should be able perform good sized sets while maintaining good form when you are fresh. Be sure to plan out your rest as you move through the workout so you can minimize any extra work.