EMOM for 10 Minutes
3 Hang Power cleans
Work up to a moderate weight Hang Power Clean and perform three repetitions every minute for 10 minutes. Choose a weight that allows you to do all three reps in a row. For a power clean we’re looking for a little bit lighter weight than you would use in a squat clean. You’ll catch the bar in a partial squat dropping as low as is needed. If you end up breaking parallel you have lifted correctly but have possibly gone a little too heavy. Practice utilizing the “hook” grip so you can maintain control of the bar!
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
50 sit-ups
25 front squats 115/85 lb
Workout notes: Today we have a time priority couplet with higher rep counts for both movements. The large number of front squats in each round will be difficult so choose a weight with which you think you could perform the entire round in 2-4 sets. Break up the round anyway that you like during the workout but test out your weight during warm-up and make sure you can perform 10+ reps easily. Keep your knees tracked over your feet as you descend below parallel and practice keeping your chest and elbows up through the entire range of motion.