November 18, 2013


Split Jerk 3 @ 80-85% then 1RM.

Work up to around 80-85% and make 3 lifts at that weight.  Continue working up to a 1RM attempt if time allows.  New lifters should start light, increase in small increments and make several attempts at each weight. Work up to a moderately heavy weight.   


“CrossFit Open 11.2”

AMRAP in 15 Minutes of

9 Deadlifts 155/100lbs
12 Hand Release Push-ups
15 Box jumps 24/20″

Off Ramp WOD

Scale each movement individually but try to retain the original stimulus.  Deadlifts should be light and fast with perfect form, Push-ups should be chest to floor with full arm extension at the top.  Scale the box height rather than going to step ups if possible.