5 Rounds of 1 minute at each station
Row for calories
Box Jumps 24/20″
Overhead squat 75/55 lb
Workout notes: Today’s workout is in the format of the classic CrossFit benchmark, “Fight Gone Bad”. You’ll perform as many reps as possible in one minute at each of three stations followed by one minute of rest before restarting on the rower. Your score will be your total number of repetitions completed for the entire workout. Due to space limitations we’ll need to share barbells for this workout so grab some partners and work on establishing a squat load that all partners can agree on. You’ll want to be able to spend a large part of the minute accumulating reps with a very light load. Don’t be afraid to scale the workout to an empty barbell or even a PVC. If overhead mobility issues are holding you back switch to front squats but start working on that mobility outside of class!