November 19, 2019



20 Double Unders then 1 Squat clean

Today we’ll use a ninety second interval timer and you will have eight opportunities to work up to a strong effort squat clean.  Start each round with an easy set of double unders.  If you are proficient at the movement complete twenty and then move to the barbell for one lift.  If you are still working on double unders scale the volume to a number you can complete in about twenty to thirty seconds.  If the movement is new to you complete twenty single unders but attempt at least one double under each round. Give your self a thirty second cap so you have plenty of time to attempt a clean regardless of how the double unders go. You can choose to build in weight as you go or choose one challenging weight and try to make the lift each round.


for time

Front squat 135/95 lb

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a time priority couplet of burpees and front squats. We will start with 10 reps of each and work our way down until we complete 1 rep of each movement to finish the workout. The burpees will add up so make sure not to come out too hot. Choose a front squat weight that allows you to start the workout with an unbroken set of 10. You don’t need to complete every round unbroken, but it should be a possibility to do so when fresh.  If burpees are particularly difficult for you make sure to adjust the front squat weight accordingly. As you get to the smaller numbers at the end of the workout practice fast transitions and try to pick up your pace to finish strong.


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