November 2, 2015


EMOM for 10 Minutes

[Odd] :30 Seconds of Strict Pull-Ups
[Even] :30 Seconds of Super Man Hold

Today’s skill work is 10 intervals of :30 seconds work and 30 seconds rest of strict pull-ups and superman hold, alternating between each movement. The strict pull-up is one the best upper body strengthening exercises that we have and should not be taken lightly. Take as many sets as you need to and complete as many reps as possible during that time.  If you are someone who does not quite have a strict pull-up yet try to progress to a lighter band or attempt jumping pull-ups with a slow lower down.  The arch holds are very accessible so most of us should try to hold the position for as long as possible.


5 Rounds with 1 Minute on each station

Two arm Weighted Step Ups 45/30 lb 24/20″
Double Unders

Workout notes: This workout will be scored “Fight Gone Bad” style. Count your total reps over all of the stations to come up with one total score.  In this workout we start with the most difficult movement and and progress to “easier” movements.  Your highest rep count will most likely come from the double unders but that doesn’t mean you should game the workout by not workout hard on the dumbbells or sit-ups.  Work at a challenging pace through those first two movements and push yourself to keep a hard pace during the double unders

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