November 2, 2021

5 rounds
:30s plank hold
:30s arch hold
:30s rest

Today’s skill work is all about quality positions. We’ll be working through five rounds of thirty seconds in a plank on your elbows or hands directly into thirty seconds in an arch hold and finally thirty seconds of rest. During the arch hold focus on keeping your arms locked out straight and only as wide as you would hold onto a pull-up bar. Squeeze your legs together and try to keep them straight if you can. Keep your body as straight as possible during each plank hold rather than letting your hips go up or down or bending your legs.

Workout of the Day
10 rounds of 30 seconds at each station
front squats
hang power cleans

You’ll only need a barbell for today’s interval style workout! We’ll be working for thirty seconds at a time to rack up as many front squats and hang power cleans as possible. After thirty seconds of each movement you’ll get thirty seconds of rest. Choose a weight that allows you to work for the majority of each work period. You’ll probably want to drop the bar a little early in the first thirty seconds before picking it back up to get to work on the hang power cleans. Your score will be the total reps you complete after ten rounds.

standard: 115/85 lb
rx: 135/95 lb
sport: 155/105 lb
overachiever: 185/125 lb

CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell. If you have a dumbbell or kettlebell you’ll want to do more of a goblet squat rather than a front squat and alternating hang cleans. Your score will be the total reps you complete after ten rounds. See you on the leaderboard!

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