November 20, 2019


EMOM for 10 Minutes
Straight set of Strict HSPU or 2 Rep Strict press

For today’s skill work you will have to make a choice between either a gymnastics or a lifting movement.  For the strict HSPU you will be working on kicking up against the wall and performing a straight set of strict HSPU.  You can scale by using one or two abmats as a target. Optionally you can work with a barbell and a squat rack and work up to a strong effort 2 rep strict press.  The strict press falls off fast so start with a light barbell and move up in small increments. If you choose the strict press work on the minute adding weight as you go for 2 reps each minute.


7 Rounds of 90 seconds on 90 seconds off

15 Sit-ups
10 Box Jumps 24/20″
Max reps alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35 lb

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a seven round interval workout with three movements.  Start each round with a quick set of sit-ups and box jumps before you get the dumbbell.  You’ll finish each round by completing as many snatches as you can before the ninety seconds are up. The sit-ups and box jumps should be scaled to smaller numbers if needed to guarantee that you have at least 30 seconds with the dumbbell. The weight of the dumbbell should allow you to perform either touch and go reps or quick reps in succession.


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