November 5, 2013

Tuesday 5:30PM is dedicated to Olympic Weightlifting! If you have been struggling with your Snatch and/or Clean & Jerk, come on in for some help! CrossFit at 4:45PM and 6:30PM!


Back Squat 3×5 ~ 75% of your 1RM 

Try to add a few pounds from last time.   If you are new to barbell movements start at a light weight and work up in small increments. 

AMRAP in 8 Minutes of 

10 Kettlebell Squat Clean 32/24kg 
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20

Squat cleans may be split up any way that you like (5L/5R, alternating, etc)
Box Jump Overs: You may jump on top of the box and then over it or you can clear the box and jump all the way over it. You do not need to stand up on top of the box at any point.

Off Ramp WOD

AMRAP in 8 Minutes of

10 Medicine Ball Clean
10 Box Jump Overs