Tabata Toe-to-bar or kipping swings
For our skill work spend your time practicing one set of kipping toe-to-bar in every twenty second work period. If you are new to the movement practice connecting kipping swings and getting your knees or toes as high as possible while maintaining a fluid hollow-to-arch swing.
5 Rounds with one minute at each station
Two arm dumbbell burpee power clean 50/35 lb
Air assault bike for calories
Workout notes
Today’s workout is a five round interval workout with four minutes allotted for each round. You will have a minute to rest and transition after working for a minute at both stations. With a 1:1 work rest ratio you have the opportunity to test a little bit higher intensity than you might in a workout without prescribed rest. Both of the movements in our workout today require a high level of strength so you will want to moderate your pace somewhat. If you can, start at a sustainable effort and increase intensity in each round so you are able to complete the same amount of work for all five rounds. The two arm burpee dumbbell power clean is most likely a new movement for you work through a few reps in warm up so you can move efficiently during the workout. Each rep starts with the dumbbells on the floor while you are standing tall. Drop down into a burpee and then step or spring up into a good starting position before bringing the dumbbells to your shoulders.