Workout of the Day
EMOM for 21 minutes
(1’s) row or bike or ski for calories
(2’s) box jump overs
(3’s) 60 second plank hold
We’ll use a clock set for 21 minutes today. There are three stations in this workout and you’ll hit them each seven times over the course of 21 minutes. Start each round with a strong effort row or bike and then transition to knocking out sixty seconds worth of box jump overs. Following the box jump overs you’ll finish each round with as much of sixty seconds in a static plank hold as possible. For the planks rest on your hands or your elbows and be sure to maintain a tight hollow for the entire minute. In the end your score will be your total number of calories and box jump overs.
standard: step ups
rx: 24/20″
sport: 24/20″
overachiever: 24/20″
CFD at home:
For today’s workout you won’t need any equipment! You may have to switch some stuff out to make this work from home but the goal should be to keep things all bodyweight today with no weights. Switch the calories out for either burpees, air squats or unweighted step ups if you don’t have access to a rower or bike at home. If you don’t have a box you can find something to jump over for each rep or choose broad jumps instead. Try your best to hold the plank for the full minute either on your hands or elbows. Your score today will be total reps. See you on the leaderboard!