7 rounds:
20 seconds of crossovers
20 seconds of alternating dumbbell hang squat cleans
20 seconds of single unders
20 seconds of rest
Use a dumbbell that’s 5 or 10 pounds lighter than what you typically use in a workout. Focus on smooth and fast transitions between movements so that you can fill as much of each 20 second interval with work as possible. The idea here is to hit the crossovers while you’re fresh, get some fast and tough dumbbell work in, and then try to sustain relaxed singles immediately afterwards.
Workout of the Day
5 rounds:
90 seconds to complete 10 toes to bar and then max calories in the remaining time
90 seconds of rest
Whatever volume and difficulty you choose for your toes to bar, you should have a solid minute or so for a hard calorie sprint on your machine. With the rest duration being the same as the work duration, you’ll have plenty of time to recover each round; push hard!
standard and rx: as written
sport: 15 toes to bar buy-in
metcon: 5×1:30 on, 1:30 off