AMRAP in 20 Minutes
15 Deadlift 155/105 lb
12 Hang power clean 155/105 lb
9 Push-Jerk 155/105 lb
200M Run
Workout notes: Today’s workout is a twist on the classic CrossFit hero workout “DT“. Complete as many reps and rounds as possible in 20 minutes of 1 round of DT and a 200M run. With each round you will have a bit of recovery for your grip as you complete the run so use this opportunity to push the pace a bit on the barbell complex. With that being said the running does take up a lot of time on this workout so you’ll want keep the intensity high and get back to the barbell as quickly as possible. Most of us will need to break up the barbell movements into manageable sets so remember to strategize your rest periods so you don’t do additional reps of the deadlift and cleans when transitioning from one movement to another!