EMOM for 10 Minutes
[odd] 30s of double unders
[even] 30s of strict pull-ups
Today’s skill work gives you five opportunities each to work on two difficult skills. Every odd minute attempt double unders for about thirty seconds. If you are still working on the skill use this opportunity to stay relaxed and attempt stringing together reps without excessively fatiguing your shoulders. Keep your arms relaxed and whip the rope with your wrists only as you increase your jump. On the even minutes knock out as many strict pull-ups as you can in thirty seconds without hitting failure. For most of us this will mean a few small sets. If you are scaling pull-ups work with a standard that maintains the same stimulus as a strict pull-up and choose a difficulty that allows for full range of motion.
AMRAP in 10 Minutes *
power cleans 135/95 lb
* 10 air squats EMOM
Workout notes
This workout will be scored by the total number of power cleans you complete in ten minutes. Start each round with ten bodyweight squats as buy in. Do your best to hold the same range of motion with your air squats during every round. Squat to below parallel if possible and extend the hips fully at the top of each rep. Small sets of touch and go reps or quick singles will most likely be the best strategy for accumulating cleans. Pace yourself early and keep the intensity high through all ten rounds.