October 15, 2021

EMOM for 10 minutes
1 slow pull squat clean with pause in bottom of front squat

You’ll have ten attempts to work up to a challenging slow pull squat clean with a pause in the bottom of the front squat. The slow pull will force you to pull the bar from the ground under control. Focus on hips and shoulders rising at the same time. As the bar passes your knees you can speed things up as you would with a normal squat clean. Pausing in the bottom of your squat will certainly increase the difficulty of this lift. It will also force you to stay in a good position throughout your squat. Keep your midline tight and engaged and your chest and elbows as upright as possible. You may not get as much weight on the bar as you’re used to but make sure to keep the slow pull and the pause in there as the bar gets heavier!

CFD at home skill sub:
EMOM for 10 minutes
3-5 tempo goblet squats holding a dumbbell or kettlebell
3s count down, 2s hold in bottom of squat, stand up at normal speed

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 10 minutes
3-6-9-12-15 …
lateral burpees over the bar

We’ve got some medium weight deadlifts and burpees on the menu today. Choose a deadlift that feels about as difficult as a burpee rep for rep. You won’t want to feel like you’re spending too much time at either movement today. If you are shooting to do the burpees as prescribed you’ll be jumping laterally over your bar after every rep. To make things a bit easier you can always scale the burpee reps to normal burpees in place without the jump or just step over your bar. Your score today will the total rounds you complete of both movements plus an extra reps in the next round.

standard: 135/95 lb
rx: 185/135 lb
sport: 225/155 lb
overachiever: 275/185 lb

CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell. If you have a dumbbell or kettlebell you will want to do more of a sumo style deadlift with your feet in a wider stance than normal and the weight tapping the ground between your feet for each rep. Burpees can be done in place or feel free to spice things up and add a jump over your weight after each rep. Your score today will the total rounds you complete of both movements plus an extra reps in the next round. See you on the leaderboard!

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