Front Squat:
5 sets of 2 tempo plus 3 regular
Tempo: 3 seconds down, 3 second hold, fast up, 3 seconds between reps
Increase 5-15 pounds from last week (or start at 65% if it’s your first time). Hold the same weight across all 5 sets.
Leave room to grow; we’ll be doing this for two more weeks.
Workout of the Day
4 rounds:
45 seconds of alternating dumbbell power snatches
15 seconds of rest
45 seconds of strict pull ups
15 seconds of rest
45 seconds of calories
15 seconds of rest
Scale the pull ups by switching to ring rows or using bands; it’s ok if they drop down to singles, but you shouldn’t need more than a few seconds of rest between reps. Keep a steady pace on both the power snatches and the calories.
standard: 35/20
rx: 50/35
sport: 50/35, bar muscle ups
metcon: 12×0:45 on, 0:15 off