October 19, 2018


EMOM for 10 Minutes
[odd] Straight set of Toe-to-bar
[even] 30s of arch hold

We’re working on two basic gymnastic movements today.  For every odd minute attempt a straight set of kipping swings or toe-to-bar.   Start at a moderate effort and try to maintain the same number of reps for all five rounds.  On the even rounds try to hold hold an arch or superman for as much of thirty seconds as possible.  If you want to increase the difficulty hold a pvc with arms straight and at shoulder width.


3 Rounds for time

400M Run
21 Push Jerks 135/95 lb
12 Front rack walking lunge steps 135/95 lb

Workout notes

Today’s workout has a heavy emphasis on the barbell!  The benchmark loads are weights that we see often but the set size and movements are very difficult.  Push jerks can be tough at high volume so scale the load appropriately.  Ideally you would start each round with a large set and finish each round with a few smaller sets.  Don’t underestimate the weighted lunge! The lunge is a unilateral movement which makes each rep much harder than it would be with a squat or clean.  Test both movements and scale based on the which of the two weighted movements is harder for you.



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