October 19, 2020


Tabata L-Seat

The Tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off for a total of 4 minutes. In L-Seat we will be sitting on the floor with legs straight and elevated.  The most difficult standard is to hold the legs in the air for the full 20 seconds with your hands on the ground beyond your knees. Putting your hands farther in front of your body will make the movement more difficult.  Most athletes will find this standard very challenging. Scale by bringing your hands back closer to your body.

Workout of the day

AMRAP in 15 minutes

12 Box Jumps
9 Power Cleans

Workout notes

Our workout today is a time priority couplet with a high volume of heavy barbell work. We are taking all the reps from the floor so you can start the workout with singles on the barbell and work on holding a steady pace. Keep the intensity high but remember you have a long workout ahead. There’s nothing wrong with trying to move fast but be careful with those box jumps! The weight on the barbell is a bit heavier than normal today so don’t be afraid to bump it up if you’re feeling ready!


standard: step-ups, 115/85 lb
rx: 24/20″, 155/105 lb
sport: 24/20″, 185/135 lb
overachiever: 30/24″, 205/145 lb

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