10×1 wall walks
Spend some time practicing wall walks today. Don’t worry if you don’t have enough time to get ten done, the focus here should be on quality reps and perfect movement as you walk yourself up into a handstand with your belly facing the wall and then a controlled walk down to your start position. You can scale these by how close you get your hands to the wall. This skill will be more difficult as your hands get closer to the wall and your body gets more vertical. If you are comfortable with wall walks and want to bump up the difficulty you can try doing 2-3 wall walks in a row with rest between each set or on an EMOM timer.
CFD at home skill sub:
If you did the wall walks on Monday you can switch these up for either a handstand kick up against a wall with a short hold or 10 rounds of :30 seconds in a plank hold and :30 seconds of rest.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 15 minutes
40 double unders
3 power cleans
2 front squats
1 push jerk
Today is your chance to throw some heavier weight around:) Each round will start with a set of double unders before moving on to a lifting complex of three power cleans, two front squats and one push jerk. The power cleans should be singles but plan for a weight that allows you to complete both front squats in a row after your third power clean and then ideally go right into the push jerk. Double unders can always be scaled first by volume and last by switching to singles with either a speed rope or a drag rope. If you’re choosing singles today try to commit to at least one double under attempt in each round. Your score today will be total rounds plus extra reps.
standard: 135/95 lb
rx: 185/125 lb
sport: 205/135 lb
overachiever: 225/155 lb
CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell. If you are working with a dumbbell or kettlebell the way you make your way through this workout will be a bit different. Rather than work through just one round of the 3-2-1 lifting complex, you will do two rounds of it, one time using your right arm and then one time using your left arm. So you will start with your double under set, move on to 3 power cleans with your right arm, 2 squats holding the weight at your shoulder and then one push jerk with your right arm. Repeat that same rep scheme with your left arm before moving back to your jump rope for the next round. Double unders can always be scaled first by volume and last by switching to singles. If you’re choosing singles today try to commit to at least one double under attempt in each round. Lateral hops or mountain climbers are always an option if you don’t have a jump rope at home. Your score today will be total rounds plus extra reps at the end of 15 minutes. See you on the leaderboard!