8 Rounds of
20 Seconds arch hold
10 seconds hollow hold
We are using the Tabata clock today for a short but high intensity bout of midline strength work. You will have four minutes to alternate between the arch and hollow hold at a 2:1 split. In the arch, or superman, you should try reach full extension of your core by keeping your arms and legs off of the floor and holding that position. The same rules apply to the hollow hold but you will flex your midline so that only your lower back makes contact with the floor. Both of these movements can be scaled by bringing your arms and/or legs in closer to your center of mass rather than locking them out at full extension. Try to establish a sustainable position and hold that for all eight rounds.
6 rounds of 90 seconds on 90 seconds off
5 Power cleans 135/95 lb
4 Front squats 135/95 lb
3 Push jerks 135/95 lb
Workout notes
Today’s workout is a barbell focused interval task with six rounds of ninety seconds work and ninety seconds rest. You will need one barbell loaded to an appropriate weight based on which movement you find the most difficult. For larger classes we’ll pair up and alternate for each work period so long as you and your partner can agree on weights. Power cleans can be easily broken up into small sets of touch and go reps or completed as “singles” but for the front squats and push jerks you’ll want to make sure you can complete those movements unbroken. The total workout time is long but we have six short work periods so the best approach is to be working for the entire ninety second interval. The goal for this workout is to move the barbell quickly. If you are finishing only one round in each cycle you have most likely gone too heavy! Score the workout as you would score the workout “The Chief”. Count up your total number of rounds and additional reps to come up with your final score.