October 24, 2019


EMOM for 10 Minutes

1 slow pull squat snatch

Today’s skill work again focuses on positional accuracy in one of our most difficult lifts. Start by pulling the bar from the floor keeping your hips low and back upright and practice accelerating from the floor in a slow and controlled fashion. As the bar passes your knees, violently open the hips to create vertical drive and quickly drop into a full squat receiving the bar overhead.  This is technique work so use a challenging weight but remember that you should be below maximal effort. Try using the first few minutes to work up to moderate effort weight and then hold that load across all of your remaining reps.


for time

Walking lunge steps

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a simple couplet of two bodyweight movements. If the volume here looks daunting make sure to adjust by either cutting off the first round of 50 and starting at 40 or skipping the round of 30 or 20 to decrease your total volume. If one of the two movements is particularly difficult you could also cut the reps down of just that movement and leave the easier movement as is. You will be completing 150 reps of both the lunge and the sit-up so start at a pace that allows you to keep moving continuously. As you get to the smaller set sizes see if you can pick up the pace to finish strong!

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