October 25, 2021

8×45 seconds
1 power clean with pause below the knees

We’re shortening our lifting interval a bit today. We’ll be on a 45 second timer for eight sets working up to a heavy power clean with a pause below the knees. Control the bar as you pull it from the floor before taking a quick pause before the bar passes your knees. During the pause the bar should be up against your shins with your shoulders back and chest up. After the pause continue your pull as you normally would to complete the power clean. This skill will really force you to focus on a powerful hip drive, fast elbows and a drop under the bar into a partial squat or “power position”.

CFD at home skill sub:
straight set of pistol squats
(alternate legs every round)
*Scale as needed to a difficulty level that works for you
One legged step ups or unweighted bulgarian split squats could work too!

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 hang power cleans
10 push-ups
15 air squats

This workout might look familiar if you’ve ever done the named workout “Cindy” before. Rather than sets of 5 pull-ups though we’ll be swapping them out for 5 moderate weight hang power cleans. A workout like this will end with a high round count so do your best to settle in to a good pace so that you can keep moving continuously throughout the twenty minutes. Choose a weight for your barbell that will allow you to complete the 5 power clean reps unbroken throughout most or all of the workout. Even though the goal is always to move fast, make sure that you don’t sacrifice the quality of your push-up and squat reps. Lead with your chest on the push-ups and tap the ground before pressing all the way out at the top of every rep. Make sure to keep your chest up while you squat and focus on full depth reps and standing tall to complete each squat. Your score today will be total rounds plus any extra reps.

standard: 115/85 lb
rx: 135/95 lb
sport: 155/105 lb, strict hspu
overachiever: 185/125 lb, strict hspu

CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell. If you are working with a dumbbell and kettlebell you can either keep the rep scheme as is and just move a little quicker through the workout or bump up the reps to either 6 or 8 every round to spend a little more time working through the hang power cleans. Even though the goal is always to move fast, make sure that you don’t sacrifice the quality of your push-up and squat reps. Lead with your chest on the push-ups and tap the ground before pressing all the way out at the top of every rep. Make sure to keep your chest up while you squat and focus on full depth reps and standing tall to complete each squat. Your score today will be total rounds plus any extra reps. See you on the leaderboard!

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