EMOM for 10 minutes:
Hang power clean plus power clean plus split jerk
If you’re comfortable with all 3 movements, try going touch-and-go between the two cleans, and using the catch in the second clean as your wind-up for the split jerk. Only do this faster sequence if you’re able to pull it off without sacrificing your positioning.
Workout of the Day
5 rounds:
1:15 of box jumps
0:15 rest
1:15 of calories (row/ski/bike)
0:15 rest
Your transition times are minimal today, so dial back the intensity to a pace that feels sustainable for a 15 minute AMRAP.
standard: 20/12″
rx: 24/20″
sport: 30/24″
metcon: 5×6:00 on, 3:00 off, 6:00 on