E2MOM for 12 Minutes
1 Jerk ~ 80% of your 1RM
Working from the floor, perform 6 rounds of 1 Jerk every 2 minutes. Choose a weight that is heavy enough to challenge you but one that you can hit solidly with no misses. If you are brand new to the olympic lifts work a light weight and perform 2-3 reps every round.
5 Rounds for time of
10 Double Dumbbell or Kettlebell Ground To Overhead 40/30lbs*
10 Weighted Step-Ups 40/30lbs 24/20″
200M Run
*You must lower the weights to the ground after every rep. If you can’t put the weight on the ground under control, you’ve gone too heavy!
Off Ramp WOD
5 Rounds for time of
10 Double Dumbbell or Kettlebell Ground To Overhead
10 Step Ups or Lunges
200M Run
Scale this one by load! Ditch the weight and/or the box on the step ups. Have fun and be safe!