October 28, 2019


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Thanks to everyone who came out today to celebrate being over the hump of the 5 weeks of The Open! Pumpkins were painted and carved, pizzas were eaten and fun was had by all!! Oh ya, and we did some working out too ???? #crossfitdavis #pumpkinparty #happyhalloween #overtheopenhump #open2020 #openszn #openinoctober #CFDisTHEplacetobe

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EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Split Jerk

In today’s skill work we’ll work specifically on the split jerk. You will work from the floor and power or squat clean the barbell to the front rack position.  From there make sure you have a full grip on the bar. Use a controlled dip and then drive the bar up. When the bar has left your front rack quickly drop under the bar to receive the bar overhead. Don’t forget about your jerk recovery! Start by pulling the front foot back first and follow up by stepping forward with the back foot. If you have your technique dialed in feel free to add weight as you go.


AMRAP in 10 Minutes
10 Alternating dumbbell power cleans 50/35 lb
10 Alternating dumbbell power snatch 50/35 lb
10 Goblet walking lunge steps 50/35 lb

Workout notes

You will need to grab one dumbbell for today’s workout.  Make sure to test all three movements with the weight that you choose and base your choice off of whatever movement is the most difficult for you.  If the lunge gives you a lot of trouble you can choose to keep that movement unweighted and use the dumbbell for the cleans and snatches only. You will want to use a dumbbell that allows you to keep moving through each section of the workout without needing to break each set up very often. When you are resting it should be because you are out of breath or giving your grip a break rather than needing to stop because the dumbbell is too heavy to complete your next rep.

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