October 31, 2019

Spooky Skill

EMOM for 10 Minutes
[odd] Straight set of strict pull-ups
[even] Straight set of kipping pull-ups

Boo! We are serving pull-ups two ways in today’s skill work! We’ll use a sixty second timer and alternate between skills every other minute.  On the odd rounds knock out a set of strict pull-ups.  On every even minute hit a sustainable set of kipping pull-ups.  If you are new to pull-ups remember that both stations can be scaled. For the strict pull-ups you can use a band or rings and for kipping pull-ups start with a basic kipping swing and work on gaining a little height when you are feeling comfortable with the movement.

Happy Hallo-WOD

5 Rounds with one minute on each station

Two arm dumbbell front squats 50/35 lb

Workout notes

We’re using the EMOM timer again for this spooky workout but don’t scared! You will have five opportunities to work at each of three stations with a minute to rest after each round.  Use a pair of dumbbells that allow you to work for most of the minute in one or two large sets.  If classes are large we will start on different stations so transition off of the rower a few seconds early so your partner can get in if needed.  Score this workout like you would score the classic workout “Fight Gone Bad” by counting up the total number of reps you complete after you have finished all five rounds.

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