Workout of the day
EMOM for 20 minutes
(odd) 1 Squat Clean
(even) :30s Max Push-Ups
Workout notes
We’re continuing the strength and skill based workouts for a few more days as the air quality has been fluctuating quite a bit. Today’s workout is a 20 minute EMOM. On the odd minutes you’ll do either one squat clean. You can choose to work with one weight across all 10 rounds or build to a single heavy rep as you go. On the even minute you’ll have :30s to rack up as many push-ups as possible. Push-Ups can be scaled as usual working from your knees or with your hands on a box. Whatever you choose, make sure to keep your reps as strict as possible. Your score for this workout will be your heaviest weight for the squat cleans and your total push-ups. Hoping for clearer skies soon!
standard: same weight across all rounds
rx: building, strict push-ups
sport: building, strict push-ups
overachiever: building, strict HSPU