September 13, 2019


Tabata Arch Hold
Tabata Hollow Hold
Tabata Handstand hold

One minute rest between Tabatas

The Tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off for a total of 4 minutes.  Today we’re performing  three rounds of Tabata plus a minute rest after the Arch and Hollow so our skill work will be 14 minutes long.     In the past we have alternated between the arch and hollow but today you’ll complete a full set of Tabata before switching movements.    Focus on maintaining a rigid core while you flex or extend your torso rather than just folding at the hips or raising your legs up. When it comes to the handstands kicking up for eight consecutive twenty second holds will be fairly difficult so plan on coming down a little early in each round if needed.


AMRAP in 10 minutes

10 Weighted step-ups 50/35 lb 24/20″
5 Strict pull-ups

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a short time priority couplet biased towards strength.  Weighted step-ups and strict pull-ups are going to be tough to perform at speed so expect this workout to feel a little different than lighter metcon where you can move through all of the reps quickly.  For the step ups grab a dumbbell and hold it anyway you like and re adjust as needed.  You can hold it on your shoulders or in a back rack so long as you have it under control. If you are still working on strict pull-ups scale by using a band or by performing ring rows if needed.  The pull-ups will fall off fast so break up the sets early and often if needed but keep the movement standard the same for all ten minutes.

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