September 16, 2018


5 Rounds with 1 minute on each station

Burpee Box Jump 24/20″
Overhead squats 45/35 lb
Row for calories

Workout notes

We’ll score this workout the same way you would score the workout “Fight Gone Bad”.  Accumulate as many reps as possible at all four stations across five rounds and add up your total number of reps at the end of the workout.  There are a few difficult skills in today’s workout.  Do your best to maintain small sustainable sets of the toe-to-bar so you can work for the entire minute in each round.  The burpee box jump will be the “slowest” of the three movements but do your best to keep up a quick cadence and score as many reps as possible. The overhead squat squat weight is prescribed with an empty barbell. Use a light weight that you can reach the bottom of your squat safely. If overhead mobility is an issue scale to an unloaded front squat.  Lastly try not to use the row as recovery and keep the intensity high!


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