September 16, 2019


EMOM for 10 Minutes
straight set of strict pull-ups then 20 seconds of double unders

For our skill work today we’ll be working on two bodyweight movements.  Working on these movements on an interval timer and allowing some rest in each round should help to lower the intensity and allow you to work on the strength and skill required.  Start each round with sub-maximal set of strict pull-ups then immediately work for about 20 seconds on double unders.  Be sure to give yourself a few seconds of rest in each round prior to starting your next round of strict pull-ups.


7 Rounds of

30 seconds of two arm dumbbell burpee deadlift 50/35 lb
30 seconds rest
30 seconds air assault bike for calories
30 seconds rest

Workout notes

Today’s workout clocks in at just under fourteen minutes and your score will be the total number of repetitions you complete in seven rounds at each of two stations.  The two arm burpee dumbbell deadlift starts by performing a burpee with your hands on the dumbbells as you drop your chest to the floor between both dumbbells. As you stand up you’ll deadlift the dumbbells to the hang position to complete the rep.  Continue by lowering the dumbbells back down and starting your next burpee.  Drive your feet as close to the dumbbells as you can when you come out of the burpee so you are in a solid starting position for your deadlift.  At the other station you will have thirty seconds to accumulate reps on the bike.  Pay close attention to your rpm’s and try to establish a sustainable pace.  The rest is short and a high intensity bout of air assault can be devastating so keep that flywheel spinning but hold back a bit in the early rounds. For larger classes we’ll get into groups of four and share the bike and dumbbells.  If that is the case transition out of the stations quickly so your partners can jump on during their intervals.

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