EMOM for 8 minutes:
One set of hanging knee raises, kipping pull ups, or bar muscle ups
Choose a skill that will challenge you, and get about 10-15 seconds of work in every minute. Scaling options for each of the three skills are below.
Hanging knee raise: V-up or kipping swing
Kipping pull ups: ring row or banded kipping pull up
Bar muscle up: Jumping BMU to a low bar (belly height), Jumping BMU to a high bar, or banded bar muscle ups
Workout of the Day
For time:
Strict press
Box jump
400 meter run before each round
15 minute time cap
Make sure you’re able to always hit a set of 5 at the strict press weight that you choose for this workout. If you go a little too heavy, you might end up running into a wall on that movement.
standard: 65/45 pound bar, 20/12 inch box
rx: 95/65 pound bar, 24/20 inch box
sport: 115/85 pound bar, 20/12 inch box
metcon: 6×1:30 on, 0:30 off