EMOM for 16 Minutes
Odd 1 x Squat Snatch ~75% of 1RM
Even Max Sustainable set of unbroken Toes-To-Bar, Knees-To-Elbows or Knee Tucks
Work up to a Snatch weight you can hit through the whole workout for NO misses. If you are new to weightlifting, work on the Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat complex. Use a moderate weight and perform 2-3 reps on each minute.
AMRAP in 8 Minutes
12 Dumbbell Thrusters 40/30lbs
30 Double Unders
Off Ramp WOD
Choose dumbbells that allow you to do unbroken sets and a manageable number of Double-Unders. If you don’t have DU’s yet do 90 Single-Unders.