Two rounds of Tabata alternating between
Hollow Rocks
Super Man Hold
The Tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off for a total of 4 minutes. We’re doubling that for this skill work so we’re doing a total of 8 minutes. Alternate movements every interval and be sure to focus on maintaining a rigid core and focus on creating flexion or extension with your torso and not just bending at the hips or raising your legs up.
3 Rounds for time
400M Run
15 Hang Power Cleans 155/105 lb
Workout notes: This couplet mixes a monostructural bodyweight movement and a difficult weightlifting movement. Review the hook grip for barbell hang cleans. For high repetition hang cleans the hook grip will be very beneficial! It may feel a little uncomfortable at first so there is usually an adaptation period.