September 23, 2019


Back Squat


Today we’re performing 3 sets of 7 Squats working up to a moderate set of squats. This rep range may be unfamiliar territory so spend some time thinking about how you would perform a large set of heavy squats. The best strategy is to take a moment to take a few slow and deep breaths at the top of every rep to allow some recovery before you start your next rep.  This will help you to avoid hitting failure. A weight that is in the 70% range would be appropriate for more experienced lifters.  Start light with an an empty bar and make sure you are performing all of your reps to your full range of motion.  We do this not only to warm each joint through it’s entire range but to reinforce proper mechanics.  Maintain an upright and rigid torso through each rep.   You should NOT be hitting failure on this but just in case be sure to review how to ditch a back squat and use spotters when needed. Please respect other lifters during their sets by waiting rather than walking in front or behind them during their sets.


AMRAP in 7 Minutes*

Thrusters 95/65 lb

4 Burpees EMOM

Workout notes

This two element workout is in a classic format.   You will have a four burpee buy in at 0:00 and perform four more burpees every minute for the rest of the workout. Use a weight light enough that you can start each round with a big set and then rest momentarily before the next round or if you have time knock out another small set.   With the workout potentially being a little shorter than we usually encounter you can push the pace somewhat in the beginning and try to hang on in the last few rounds.


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