Tabata Toe-to-bar or kipping swings
For our skill work spend your time practicing one set of kipping toe-to-bar in every twenty second work period. If you are new to the movement practice connecting kipping swings and getting your knees as high as possible while maintaining a fluid hollow-to-arch swing.
EMOM for 20 Minutes
30 seconds of two arm dumbbell burpee deadlifts 50/35 lb
30 seconds rest
30 seconds of kettlebell swings 32/24 kg
30 seconds of rest
Workout notes
Today’s workout is a total of twenty minutes long. You will have ten opportunities at each movement to complete as many reps as possible in thirty seconds. Score your workout by the total number of repetitions you complete across all twenty rounds. Do your best to move quickly during the burpee dumbbell deadlifts and not use that interval as an additional rest period. Practice dropping down quickly and snapping the hips upward prior to standing up. For the kettlebell swings use a weight you can consistently perform one or two large sets with rather than breaking the interval up into several small sets.