Tabata pull-ups or kipping swings
Today’s skill work can be approached in a number of ways. If you are experienced with kipping pull-ups use this opportunity to work on holding straight sets in each round using traditional Tabata scoring. Keep in mind that we often see the kipping pull-up skill work on the minute and this effort will essentially be twice as hard as that format! If you are new to the skill, work on linking together the hollow and arch position in each interval.
AMRAP in 20 Minutes
4 left arm dumbbell hang clean & jerk 50/35 lb
4 right arm dumbbell hang clean & jerk 50/35 lb
4 jumping alternating lunges
20 Double unders
Workout notes
Today’s workout is a long duration triplet with a lifting movement and two bodyweight movements. Start each round with a set of four dumbbell hang clean and jerks on each arm. You will then set the dumbbell down before knocking out four jumping lunges and a small set of double unders. The set sizes are small and rounds for this workout are meant to go fairly quickly with quick transitions. Use a dumbbell weight that you can easily sustain unbroken sets of four deep into the workout. The double unders will be tough coming off of the lunges so first scale by choosing a number that takes you about thirty seconds to complete or switch to single unders but make at least one attempt in every round.