September 25, 2018


Front squat

Work up to a strong effort 2 rep front squat.  Start light and increase the weight for each set. The focus here should be keeping your torso upright and tracking your knees over your feet. Your elbows should be pointing outward with your chest up.  Actively push your knees out if you feel them caving in so you can reinforce good mechanics.


AMRAP in 10 minutes
10 Weighted step ups 32/24 kg 24/20″
20 Sit-ups
10 Push-ups

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a time priority triplet with three movements that compliment each other well.  Do your best to practice quick transitions between stations knowing that there will be a bit of recovery from each movement as you work on the others.  Weighted step ups should be held goblet style using a kettlebell.  Use a box height and a load that allows you to maintain an upright torso throughout the movement.  Ideally the step ups are primarily a leg movement rather than taxing the low back by bending forward at an extreme angle. Choose a version of push-ups that allow you to keep them as strict as possible for the full ten minutes.


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