September 26, 2020

Workout of the day

AMRAP in 18 Minutes

15 medicine ball sit-ups
12 medicine ball step-ups
9 box jumps

Workout notes

You’ll need a box and medicine ball for today’s workout. If you prefer to use an abmat for lumbar support for sit-ups grab one of those too. The rep count for each set is small but we have a lot of time on the clock so start slow and steady. Try to move at a sustainable pace throughout the workout. Carrying the medicine ball for step-ups can make things pretty hard so scale by ditching the weight performing this workout at bodyweight.


standard: bodyweight lunges and step-ups, 20″ box jumps or more step-ups
rx: 20/24 lb, 24/20″
sport: 50/35 lb dumbbell, strict sit-ups. 24/20:
overachiever: 2x 50/35 lb dumbbell, 30/24 “

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