September 27, 2018


Strict Pull-Up with Pause at top of pull-up

Spend some time today focusing on strict pull-up strength.  Hold your chin over the bar momentarily after you reach the top of your pull-up and then practice a controlled descent for every rep. If you are using a band choose one that makes the three reps challenging and try to implement the pause at the top.  If you are doing ring rows, pause momentarily with the rings in contact with your chest for each rep.  If you can do strict pull-ups but three reps is too much of a challenge, choose a number that you can repeat for ten sets.


AMRAP in 15 Minutes

4 Alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35 lb
7 Thrusters 45/35 lb
20 Double Unders

Workout notes

Today we have a difficult time priority triplet with a low number of reps in each movement. The benchmark weights are on the lighter side.  That means we’re looking for this to be primarily a conditioning workout.  Test the thrusters and snatch weight.  Ideally you have loads you could easily complete multiple rounds unbroken without setting the equipment down for a long period of time.  If you are just starting to get comfortable with double unders this would be a great opportunity to “Rx” a workout with double unders.  If twenty sounds daunting scale the number of reps down to a number you could complete in about thirty seconds.

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