September 28, 2018


3 Rounds of

1 minute V-Ups
1 minute Arch Hold
1 minute Plank Hold
1 minute Rest

You will have three attempts at three difficult movements.  There is one minute allocated for work at each station and we’ll start with the most difficult movement and progress to the easier movements before getting a minute to rest and recover. Do your best to work continuously at each station for as much of the minute as possible.


AMRAP in 7 Minutes *

lateral burpees over the bar

* 4 front squats 185/135 lb EMOM

Workout notes

Today’s workout will be scored by the total number of burpees you complete in seven minutes.  You will have a buy-in of four front squats every minute for the duration of the workout. The benchmark weight is intended to be on the heavier side but we’re looking for a weight you could complete all seven sets of squats unbroken so you have ample time to complete burpees.  We’ll be working from the floor for this workout so a squat clean for your first rep would be the best option!


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