September 3, 2019


Two rounds of Tabata alternating between both movements

Toe to Bar
Plank Hold

We’ve got two skills on the menu today for our double tabata.  The Tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off for a total of 4 minutes. We’ll do 8 rounds of each movement so that will be 16 rounds total for 8 minutes total.  The Plank hold is pretty straight forward. You may perform your plank hold on either your elbows or hands depending on your preference. Focus on quality and don’t sacrifice a good body position just to stay up for the full 20 seconds every round.  The Toes to Bar skill is tricky.  Practice your kipping swing and toe-to-bar with a kip. If you are new to the movement start by alternating between the hollow and arch position on the bar and follow that by pulling the knees in and up to the chest. Keep your sets small so that you are able to repeat close to the same set sizes every round of the Tabata.  If you are unable to get your toes to the bar while keeping the rhythm of your kip, lower your target so that you are able to work on the skill of linking your reps rather than slower reps just to get your toes to the bar.


6 Rounds with 1 minute on each station

Sandbag cleans 100/70 lb
Kettlebell Swings 32/24 kg
Double unders

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a six round interval workout with three stations and one minute rest between rounds.  You will score this workout like you would score the workout “Fight Gone Bad” by counting up your total reps completed and coming up with one big number.  If you are proficient and double unders you could game this workout by going easy on the first two stations to get a higher score but that is not the intent of this format!  Keep the intensity high on all three stations and use that rest minute to recover.  If you are new to double unders this workout is a great opportunity to work on the movement rather than scaling to single unders.



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