Work up to a heavy single deadlift today. This doesn’t necessarily mean you go up to max effort, but work up in weight as you feel comfortable. Judge your effort by the strain it takes you to achieve each lift. New lifters should keep the load light and work on proper body mechanics as they increase in weight. Start with a light weight and make sure that you have established a straight back and an appropriate setup as you address the bar. Be sure to maintain your posture as you increase in weight. Warm up with multiple reps as you build in weight and when the bar starts to feel heavy drop to singles until you’ve hit your max for the day
AMRAP in 12 Minutes
21 Air squats
12 Kettlebell swings 32/24 kg
Workout notes
Today’s workout is a twelve minute couplet of a small set of bodyweight squats and kettlebell swings. Your score be the total number of rounds and reps you complete after twelve minutes are complete. For the air squats, establish what your full range of motion is and maintain that movement standard for the entire workout. Do your best to get your hip crease below parallel and finish each rep by standing tall with your knees and hips fully extended. Twelve kettlebell swings is a relatively small set so this would be a great opportunity to test a heavier kettlebell if that is something you have been considering. If you do choose a heavier load pick a weight that you can complete all twelve swings in at most 2-3 sets.