September 9, 2017


for time

50M Uneven farmer carry
300M Run
50M Uneven farmer carry
30 Push Jerks 155/105 lb
50M Uneven farmer carry
300M Run
50M Uneven farmer carry

Workout notes: Today’s workout will most likely be in an unfamiliar format.  We’re sandwiching a single set of jerks with a round of farmer carries and a 300M run. We’ll start with the a farmer carry at the gym door. You can use dumbbells or kettlebells or a combination of both. Carry your objects down to the wall and leave them there prior to leaving on your run. Be sure to leave your objects close to the wall in order to leave the fire lane and car path open! From there run to our usual 400M turnaround spot and back before grabbing your objects and returning to the gym.  From there start a large set of push jerks.  You’ll want to use a weight you can complete in a small number of sets. If you find that you have to perform single clean & jerks for all 30 reps you may have gone too heavy! Finish your workout by repeating the carry, run, carry piece and enjoy the rest of your Saturday!

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