January 3, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes straight set of knees to elbows then 20 seconds of double unders For our skill work today we’ll be working on two bodyweight movements. The knees to elbows will feel similar to toes to bar. The mechanics will be very much the same, but rather than sending your toes to the […]
January 2, 2018
Skill Front Squat 4-4-4-4-4 Today we’re working up to a strong effort 4 rep front squat. With the front squat we want to focus on keeping the elbows up and chest as upright as possible. As with any kind of squatting you’ll want to practice keeping your knees out and tracking over your feet. Remember […]
January 1, 2018
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”theme” custom_colour=””]We are closed today for the New Years Holiday. Normal hours return Tuesday, January 2nd![/creativ_alertbox]
Competition 01-02-2018
Tuesday – 01-02-2018 Strength 4RM Front Squat Weightlifting Every 90s for as long as needed to make 3 reps at each weight 1 Slow pull-squat snatch 3 reps each at 65,70,75,80,85,90% Gymnastics EMOM for 10 Minutes Straight set of ring muscle ups Metcon AMRAP in 15 Minutes 20 Medicine ball squat cleans 20/14 lb 15 […]
December 31, 2017
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Reminder: We are open for one class today at 9AM. Closed tomorrow January 1. Regular hours return Tuesday the 2nd![/creativ_alertbox] WOD “The Ghost“ 6 rounds of: 1 minute of rowing 1 minute of burpees 1 minute of double-unders 1 minute rest Workout notes: Your score for this workout is your number of reps […]
December 30, 2017
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Reminder: We will be open for one class tomorrow, New Years Eve at 9AM. We will be closed Monday the 1st. Normal hours return Tuesday. [/creativ_alertbox] WOD AMRAP in 20 Minutes 9 Toe-To-Bar 12 Power Clean 135/95 lb 15 Box Jumps 24/20″ Workout notes: Today’s workout is a time priority triplet that falls […]
December 29, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Squat Snatch with pause in the bottom of the overhead squat Today we’re working on the squat snatch and really honing in on technique. The movement is very difficult and requires a great deal of mobility. Warm up to a weight that is in the 60-70% range and only […]
December 28, 2017
Skill 10 Rounds of 30 Seconds work 90 seconds rest Air assault bike for calories For our skill work today we have 20 minutes of interval work on the assault bike. Every 2 minutes you will bike for 30 seconds. Spend the rest of the 2 minute interval resting while your partner works through their […]
December 27, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Split Jerks Today’s technique work focuses on the Split Jerk. For this complex work with a weight light enough that you can clean it from the floor and catch it in a partial squat before you setup for your jerk sequence. You will need to manage bringing the […]
December 26, 2017
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]We are closed today! Normal hours return Wednesday the 27th![/creativ_alertbox]