July 2, 2017
WOD For time 1,000m Run * then 5 rounds of 12 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs 9 Hang Power Cleans, 155/105 lbs 6 Push Jerks, 155/105 lbs then 1,000m Run *Please note that our “new” 1k Run goes north out of the roll-up doors and around the back of the complex on your way to cantrill in order […]
Competition 07-03-2017
Monday 7/3/2017 Strength 1RM Front Squat Metcon “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double Under Sit-Up Skill 20x30s 3 TnG Power Snatch 115/85 lb choose a weight with which you can stay “bolted” Gymnastics for time 5-4-3-2-1 Strict Muscle up* *200M Run between each set Accessory AMRAP in 10 minutes 9 clean 165/115 lb 7 clean 185/135 lb 5 […]
July 1, 2017
WOD 10 Rounds for time 15 Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′ 200M Run Workout notes: Today we have a difficult couplet that has a total of 2K running and at 150 wall ball shots. That’s over a mile running and the total volume in the workout “Karen” so even though the low numbers in each […]
June 30, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes Power Clean + Push Jerk Today’s skill work is a power clean + push jerk. Start with a weight that is a little heavier than you might use in a workout, but make sure you are catching the bar in a power position with your elbows up and hips back. Focus […]
June 29, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Power Snatches Perform three power snatches every minute for a total of 10 rounds. You can choose to link your reps together or perform three singles, but make sure you’re able to get all 3 reps done within each minute. The weight you choose should be in the moderate effort […]
June 28, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes [Odd] Max Effort L-Seat [Even] Rest Today’s skill work focuses on a single basic gymnastics and core strength position. For the L-Seat we will be sitting on the floor with legs straight and elevated. The most difficult standard is to hold the legs in the air for the full 60 seconds […]
June 27, 2017
Skill 6×3 Hollow Body Strict Pull-Up Today we’re upping the ante with the strict pull-up and giving strict hollow body pull-ups a try. Do your best to hold a tight hollow body position throughout the entire pull-up. If 3 is too many you can complete 6 sets of 1 or 2. If you do not have […]
June 26, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats Work up to a moderate to strong effort squat clean + 2 front squats. Start by working through the movement with an empty barbell and practice catching the bar with your elbows high and chest up. As you get comfortable with the […]
June 25, 2017
Check out Friday’s paper for a great story on Kirsten, the gym and Grandma Betty! @davisenterprise #crossfitdavis #crossfit #davisca #grandmabetty #inthenews A post shared by CrossFit Davis (@crossfitdavis) on Jun 24, 2017 at 8:53am PDT WOD AMRAP in 25 Minutes 200M Run 15 Push Ups 100M Uneven Farmer Carry Workout notes: Pack your sunscreen and […]
Competition 06-26-2017
Monday 6/26/2017 Strength EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats Metcon AMRAP in 10 Minutes 10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 65/45lb 100M Run Accessory 2x Tabata Lateral Burpees over the Bar 16 rounds of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off Skill For time 2k Row * *E2MOM 5 Strict Pull-Ups Gymnastics 12-9-6 […]