Competition 12-12-16
Monday 12/12/16 Strength 3 RM Front Squat Metcon 10 min AMRAP 7 Burpees over the bar 3 Clean and Jerks 185/125lb Gymnastics 4×3 Minutes Max set Muscle ups then immediately max set of wall ball shots 30/20 10/10 ‘ Skill 10 minute EMOM Handstand Walk Choose a distance you can repeat every minute Accessory 3x250M […]
December 10, 2016
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”theme” custom_colour=””]Reminder that today is the Hometown Hoedown and holiday party! The competition will start at 8:30AM. Please arrive at 8:00AM for the event briefing. [/creativ_alertbox] The stage is set. All we’re missing is you! We’ll see you all at 8am! #crossfit #crossfitdavis #hometownhoedown #2016 #CFDistheplacetobe A photo posted by CrossFit Davis (@crossfitdavis) […]
December 9, 2016
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”theme” custom_colour=””]Reminder that today is the Hometown Hoedown and holiday party! The competition will start at 8:30AM. Please arrive at 8:00AM for the event briefing. [/creativ_alertbox] The stage is set. All we're missing is you! We'll see you all at 8am! #crossfit #crossfitdavis #hometownhoedown #2016 #CFDistheplacetobe A photo posted by CrossFit Davis (@crossfitdavis) […]
3rd Annual Hometown Hoedown Heat List
Events 1 and 2 Heat 1 Toby Steve Shannon M Lisa N Cara M Justin W Michael S Gabina Jill H Katya Heat 2 Jason S Hao Luo Liz Lee Lorna Jessica N Ryan D Derek S Linda L Bekki F Christine D Heat 3 Ryan Mangan Andrew Susskind David S Laura C Amanda B […]
December 9, 2016
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”light-gray” custom_colour=””]There will be no 6:30 pm class tonight to allow for set up for the Hometown Hoedown! There will also be no regular classes on Saturday. If you are competing make sure to show up at 8am! Heat 1 will kick things off at 8:30 sharp! If you are coming to cheer […]
2016 Hometown Hoedown Events
Event 1 for time: 24 Calorie Row 18′ Two Arm Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps 12 Burpee Box Jump Overs 18′ Two Arm Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps 24 Two Arm Burpee Dumbbell Deadlift 18′ Two Arm Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps 12 Burpee Box Jump Over 18′ Two Arm Dumbbell Front […]
December 8, 2016
Skill EMOM for 10 minutes 3 Push Press Today we are working on the push press. Focus on a vertical dip and drive and then finish with just your arms by pressing overhead. Keep your lower half locked and resist the temptation to drop under the bar and perform a jerk. When returning the bar to […]
December 7, 2016
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”theme” custom_colour=””]We are so excited for the 3rd Annual Hometown Hoedown! If you are signed up to compete show up at 8am! Heat 1 will begin promptly at 8:30am! If you are not competing come anytime to cheer on your fellow CFD’ers and hang out! We will have the “Who is Hungry” food […]
December 6, 2016
Skill 8×2 Weighted Pull-Up Perform 8 sets of 2 weighted pull-ups and increase the weight across each set if possible. If you are not quite ready for weighted pull-ups but can do strict bodyweight pull-ups, get through as many sets of 2-3 as possible in the time allotted. If you do not have strict pull-ups yet […]
December 5, 2016
Skill 1 RM Power Snatch Today we are working up to a max effort power snatch for the day. You will still want to focus on getting under the bar as you would a squat snatch, but focus on catching the bar somewhere above parallel for the rep to be considered a power snatch. If […]