November 5, 2015
Strength Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 Work up to a strong effort set of 5 deadlifts. Start with a light weight and make sure that you have established a straight back and appropriate setup as you address the bar. Remember to maintain your posture as you progress though each set of five and as you increase in weight. WOD […]
November 4, 2015
Skill 6 x 1 Accumulate 15 seconds in an L-Sit* * resting at least 1 minute between efforts, efforts do NOT need to be unbroken Today we are working the L-sit during our skill work. The movement is one that is highly scaleable. Beginners should start working on an L-sit the floor placing the hands as far […]
November 3, 2015
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Squat Clean For the skill work today we’ll be working up to a moderate weight squat clean. You’ll perform one repetition every minute. Pull from the floor practice fast elbows while you catch the clean in the bottom of your squat. If you are new to the lift work on […]
November 2, 2015
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes [Odd] :30 Seconds of Strict Pull-Ups [Even] :30 Seconds of Super Man Hold Today’s skill work is 10 intervals of :30 seconds work and 30 seconds rest of strict pull-ups and superman hold, alternating between each movement. The strict pull-up is one the best upper body strengthening exercises that we […]
November 1, 2015
WOD 4 Rounds for time 400 Run 30 Push-Ups 30 Kettlebell Hang Snatch 24/16 kg Workout notes: Try to push the pace on your 400m runs as your breathing will have a chance to recover during your push ups. Focus on keeping a rigid torso through out the full range of motion of the push up. […]
Protected: Competition 11-02-2015
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October 31, 2015
WOD “Air Force Karen” For Time:* 150 Wall Ball Shots 20lbs/14lbs 10’/9′ with 4 Burpees on the top of each minute *20 Minute Time Cap Workout Notes: This is a special workout in place of our normal classes to celebrate the life of our member Chris de los Santos. Chris was an integral part […]
October 30, 2015
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]SATURDAY SCHEDULING ANNOUNCEMENT: We will be running a special workout on Saturday in place of our normal classes to celebrate the life of our member Chris de los Santos. Chris was an integral part of the 5:45 am class and he is missed dearly. Whether you knew Chris or not we invite […]
October 29, 2015
Strength 3×5 Strict Toes-To-Bar If you are not able to get your toes to the bar without kipping, work on bringing your knees up into a tuck position while hanging from the bar and the lift your feet as high as you are able. If you can get your toes to the bar focus on […]
October 28, 2015
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes [Odd] 30 Seconds of Kipping Pull-Ups [Even] 15 Second Seated Leg Raise The skill work today focuses on two basic bodyweight movements that do take some effort to master. In order to move well with kipping pull-ups you’ll need a baseline level of strength and coordination so first master kipping swings and strict […]